August 9, 2025

The Nevada XC Alumni Run honors and connects generations of Nevada cross country alumni, family, and fans. Although “Once a Cub, always a Cub”, this event is open to all. You're invited to race, run, jog, or walk the 3-mile path around Hickory Grove Lake. Swap stories and memories as you reunite with members of this community. Proceeds benefit the Nevada High School Cross Country program.

$35 entry fee includes a t-shirt (if registered by Aug 2) and chip-timing. $25 entry fee includes chip-timing but no t-shirt.

August 9, 2025 Schedule of Events:

7:30am-Check-in at the Hickory Grove Park Beach House (67464 250th St, Colo, IA)

8:30am-Run begins

Immediately following the race: Awards